Bishop Lewis Keizer

On this page I shall explore the prophecies of Nostradamus concerning the years 1999 and continuing into the twenty-first century.  As the time referred to by each prophecy draws near, I'll add my translation and interpretation to this page.  

Although the prophecy for 1999 refers to war and terrorism, those for the twenty-first century describe the coming of a new spirituality and a new humanity.   I shall be quoting from the book I privately circulated in 1984 entitled Prophecies Concerning the New Church, which is available through the Home Temple Press.


It is important to understand that future of the planet and humanity ripens from a causal or "karmic" chain of consequences that originate in human thought and actionThe near future is a tightly articulated field of probabilities whose outcomes can be altered in a major way only by extreme transformation in the present, while the far future can be radically changed by small transformations consistently applied--not unlike navigation on the high seas.  Human thought and action create the physical and noetic environments that produce chains of events and probable outcomes.  Human beings do not yet realize their continual influence upon natural events such as earth changes, climate, and weather.

Often an outcome that flows from a strong current depends upon a critical area of human thought and action.  For example, according to Scripture, the prophet Jonah was forced against his will to prophesy doom to the city of Ninevah because the inhabitants were in great need of "repentance," or nacham, literally "submission" to the Higher Nature.  In other words, the culture of the city was devolutionary and immoral.   But after he delivered his prophecy of doom, the people were deeply affected and made major reform efforts.   Consequently, the disasters Jonah had prophesied did not manifest.  At the end of the Book of Jonah, the prophet complains to God that now he looks like a charlatan because doom did not befall the city to vindicate his prophecies.  God replies that the response of the people averted disaster, and the prophet should rejoice.

The prophecies of Nostradamus have been uncannily accurate for four centuries through the period of World War IIThey predicted terrible disasters for humanity in the 1980's and 1990's.  However, some disasters like the global catastrophes of May, 1988, have been averted, and the military events of 1994 that were to begin a process of military power-building by the Third Anti-Christ, culminating in world-wide nuclear holocaust in 1999, have been greatly mitigated

In the last quarter of the twentieth century, the doom prophecies of Nostradamus have clearly started to lose their accuracy.  Humanity has been making the changes and transformations necessary for a positive future. By the same token, the positive prognostications he made for the twenty-first century have increased likelihood of coming into manifestation.

I have been working spiritually with many others on inner and outer planes for two decades to help moderate the terrible karmic consequences that Nostradamus foresaw developing full-blown in the year 1999. We initiated the December 31st Global Peace Meditation in 1986. The eggregore of this and other sacred dates such as Wesak has been "worked" every year by a large group of world-wide spiritual servers, including the Synod of THG and Home Temple Bishops. We did esoteric work to facilitate the disintegration of the old Soviet Union, to potentiate development of the Star Wars and other anti-missile programs, to defeat Saddam Hussein in Desert Storm, and to keep Saddam in check since that time.

During this final quarter of the twentieth century, many world-servers have carried out inspired work in political, sociological, legal, educational, medical, and other modalities to dissolve the ancient retrogressive currents that entrap humanity in its own ruts and to elevate the human spirit.

To what extent have we been able to mitigate the self-generated currents that Nostradamus foresaw leading to the apocalyptic disasters of 1999?  We will soon know. My guess is that instead of the nearly three decades of war against the West prophesied to be led by the Islamic Anti-Christ, we may see a period of terrorism hopefully on a much lesser scale.   The West will ultimately win the conflict, both militarily and politically.

The Twenty-First Century and Beyond
Indeed, the astrological Age of Pisces is coming to a close.  Nostradamus tells us that Christian religious institutions rooted in anachronistic medieval thought and practice will give way to a new Christ religion based on the achieving of Christhood--not the worship of Jesus per se. Islam will undergo radical changes.  Judaism and the religions of the East, which have roots in the Arian Age, will outgrow their Piscean transformations.  This prepares the way for the new spiritual synthesis that will create unity between religious cultures, and whose prophet  (from the lineage of Hermes Trismegistus, says Nostradamus) will make Thursday his holy day. 

The European nations and Caucasian race will lose their world domination, and the foundations for new stocks and races will develop from Caucasian inter-marriage with non-Europeans.  A New Humanity will begin to emerge in the twenty-first century, says Nostradamus, and increasing numbers of people will become psychically sensitive.  More about all this will be posted when appropriate.

Excerpted without changes from Prophecies Concerning the New Church, Keizer, 1984

World Events Surrounding the Emergence of the New Church

The New Church manifests while the Old is still alive and the world is in cata­strophic disorder. As Nostradamus’ vision is summarized by Woldben in After Nostradamus (op. cit., p. 95):

“The events forecast are essentially, schisms, birth of a new religion, transfer of the Roman Catholic Curia, the slaughter of priests and similar matters.”

The birth of the new religion is the New Church. In the past commentators have considered certain quatrains about it to have reference to Anti-Christs or heretics, but every mention of it is positive, as we shall see. It is born amidst the destruction of the old world and the Old Church.

Migres migre de Genesve trestous,

Saturne d’or en fer se changers;

Le contre Raypoz exterminera tous,

Avant l’a ruent de ciel signes fera.



You are leaving, depart! Away from Geneva, everyone!

Saturn shall be changed from gold into iron;

The opposite of the positive ray is able to exterminate everyone!

Before they lash out, Heaven will shown signs.

A summit conference ending in failure symbolizes the radical failure of diplo­matic relations among world powers--not unlike the worsening of U.S.-Soviet relations under the Carter and Reagan administrations. There is fear that planetary extermination is possible by means of radiation pollution after a nuclear holocaust. A later text reads, “Before it happens (l’advent),” implying inevitability, but the more authentic text reads as I have translated. The word ruer in reflexive means to react or recoil in a “lashing out” fashion, which accurately conveys the fear of nuclear war out of defensive misunderstanding

It is not at all clear in the writings of Nostradamus, however, that nuclear war would occur between the U.S. and the Soviets. As a matter of fact, all indications point to a U.S. and European alliance against a powerful Islamic aggressor, with one quatrain indicating that the U.S. and Soviets would eventually be forced together in an alliance against the Arab conquerors.

Certainly in Nostradamus’ time Europe was allied against the Moslems, whom the prophet would have personally considered to be the Anti-Christ. It is under­standable that Nostradamus would see an Islamic Anti-Christ at the end of the era. However, we must remember how objectively Nostradamus has predicted corruption and ruin for his own beloved Catholic Church, and how many other predictions he transmitted that went strongly against his personal love of France. We must credit the prophet with fidelity in transmission, and take his visions of a future Western-Islamic conflict seriously.

The apocalyptic predictions so well known to this generation about war from the sky in 1999 (X.72), the mention of London, Scotland, and Americh united while the “false Anti-Christ” reigns (X.66--Is the Anti-Christ false, or is the accusation false?), and the many other commentators have been eager to apply to the twentieth century are not the proper subject of this book, but the follow­ing four quatrains are linked and provide an overview of developments leading to the triumph of the new era of peace:

Many shall come and talk of peace

Between very powerful rulers and governors;

But it shall not be agreed to so soon

If they do not show themselves more cooperative than others have.


See what fury! Alas, what pity!

It shall be so among many nations.

Never was there seen such a friendship,

As the wolves shall have trying to run in a pack!


Many peoples shall come to speak

To great governors that will make war against them,

But they will not be admitted to a hearing.

Alas! What is God does not send peace upon earth?


Many helps will come on all sides

From nations far off who want to aid resistance;

They will eventually come in a sudden haste,

But for the present they will be unable to assist.

These same conditions prevailed before each of the world wars, and they prevail now. Massive peace demonstration are avoided and dismissed by those in power as evidences of enemy activity, rather than a true measure of national sentiment. These quatrains were added to Century VIII in most texts, 2-5.

In them we see the impotence of mass desire for peace, for what has been called the Planetary Pentecost has not yet occurred, and the Saturnines or “people of a new leaven,” as Nostradamus calls them, have not yet been empowered by Heaven. They must suffer persecution.

Yet it is the change evident in the hearts of many who fervently desire an end to all war, who appreciate the inner and spiritual values, who manifest healthy conscience, true concern for universal love and justice--it is this funda­mental change in a critical mass of human souls now ready for initiation into a greater consciousness, and a quantum leap into a new aeon, that constitutes the spiritual reality of the lion lying down with the lamb, and the beating of swords in plowshares. These souls form the multi-racial, multi-cultural or “rainbow” bridge linking Heaven and earth, and making possible the realization of Heaven on earth, the Above in the Below, the Inner in the Outer.

Many of them are dogmatic peaceniks, anti-nuclear fanatics, or extremists with rigid new-age doctrines of all sorts--occult, political, educational, and what have you. Many of them are vulnerable to the mental snares that turn idealists into fanatics who stop at nothing to achieve their imagined ends. But by and large they are good people, beautiful people, new people in search of the new era. Regardless of their flaws, they are beloved of Heaven. And yet they must be crucified before they can experience resurrection, thus their “help” is delayed, but eventually will arrive in a sudden haste. “But for the present they [Hierarchy] will be unable to assist.”

The Externalization of the New Church

At the very time when God’s holy people (those mentioned above) are most persecuted and aroused, the New Church will begin to manifest. Its beginnings will come by means of a spiritual break-through of intuitive understanding that will be expressed in many ways--new spiritual revelations, new political thought, new ways and ideas of alternative approaches to science, society, education, interpersonal relations, and reality in general. This is linked with the human potential movement, women’s movement, the new churches, rediscovery of ancient Christian gospels, interior values, and a whole new structure of reality.


Las qu’on verra grand people tourmente,

Et Ia Loi Saincte en totale ruine;

Par autres loix toute Ia Christiente,

Ouand d’or, d’argent trouve nouvelle mine.



Alas, how a great people shall be tormented,

And the Divine Law in total ruin.

All Christianity will be under other laws,

When it will discover a new mine of gold and silver.

The “new mine of gold and silver” is the Eternal Gospel announced by the “angel” of Rev. 14.6. In general terms, the new mine is the meditative interior, the Inner Guidance or Malkuth (Rulership, “Kingdom”) within the heart. It is through the Western contact with Eastern, Hindu, and Buddhist philosophy--especially through the theosophical movement and influence of Blavatsky, Roerich, and others, that Western culture began to turn to meditation. But it was through the earlier teaching of Swedenborg and the manifestation of spiritualism that Western homo religiosus was introduced to “inner space.” All this is a manifestation of the Eternal Gospel. ..

The historical founding of the New Church is explicitly fixed in time by the prophecies of Nostradamus, and is synchronously linked with the archaeological recovery of the bones of St. Peter. It is so linked because the founders of the New Church must be the spiritual monads who were the historical apostles of the Master Jesus, magnetized into activity by Peter, James, and John the Beloved. The Apostle Peter’s bones were said to have been unearthed in 1941 by the Vatican. However, they were not. Yet that is the birth-year of the Apostle, so indicated.

Au fondement de Ia nouvelle secte,

Seront les os do grand Romain trouvez;

Sepulchre en marbre apparoistra converte,

Terra trembler in Avril, mal enfovez.



At the founding of a new sect,

The bones of the great Roman will be found;

The sepulcher will appear covered in marble,

The earth will quake in April, ill-buried.

St. Peter’s tomb will be opened by an earthquake that occurs near Easter (in April). That will be the sign to all that the New Church has been externalized and permanently founded upon earth.

Ouand le sepulcre do grand Romain trouve,

Le jour apres sera esleu pontife;

Do senat gueres ii ne sera prouve,

Empoisonne son sang au sacre scyphe.



When the sepulcher of the great Roman is found,

A Pope will be elected on the following day;

He will not be much approved by the Senate,

His blood poisoned through the sacred chalice.

Could this be the same papal assassination described in IV.11 (cf. my p. 9)? One has no way of knowing, but this month a book appeared in which the claim was made that a recent Pope was poisoned. The premise was denied by the Vatican, according to international news services.

Here the founding of the New Church seems connected also to the election of an unpopular Pope destined to be poisoned by Eucharistic wine. However, one quatrain refers to the finding of the sepulcher, which could be archaeo­logical, and the other to the exposing of Peter’s remains through an earthquake in April. Clearly the discovery of the sepulcher must occur first, and that is linked with the election of a Pope destined to be secretly assassinated.

Therefore the Easter earthquake with the revealing of St. Peter’s remains is the sign that the New Church is established.

Lone obscur cie aux profondes tenebres,

Son frere passe de couleur ferrigine;

Le qrande cache long temps soubs les tenebres,

Tiendra fer dans Ia plaie sanguine.



The moon will be obscured in deepest darkness,

Her brother passing in a blood-red color;

The Great One, long hidden in darkness,

Will hold the iron sword in the bloody wound.

Normally a full moon shines brightly. But when the moon is in exact alignment with earth and sun, it moves into the earth’s shadow or umbra and is eclipsed. This configuration of moon, earth, and sun aligned in polarity constitutes the planetary meditation, when potent spiritual power can be channeled to the planet and all souls within it, for good or for ill. The full moon is notorious for its synchronicity with criminal behavior, were-animalism, and other negative occult manifestations. But in Eastern mysticism the full moon is also recognized as the bringer of spiritual power of great positive nature to those who know how to receive it. The greatest annual full moons are those of Easter, Wesak, and Taurus, or the Festival of Christ and Humanity.

Astronomically, the Wesak moon one month after the date celebrated by the Old Church as Easter (first full moon after the spring equinox) is in actuality the true Paschal moon, being in the astronomical constellation of Pisces, as it was on the true Passover Easter of the Master Jesus. Thus Wesak will be the new “Easter” of the New Church. The Taurus moon, or Festival of Christ and Humanity, will be astronomically a Pisces moon in another two thousand years, when it will become the main festival of the new world religion to which the New Church is a bridge.

This quatrain has been given a credible interpretation regarding the murder of the Duke de Berry in 1820, but I find in it another meaning. The darkening of the moon and reddening or darkening of the sun (cf. Mark 1 3.24 et. al.) has been associated with the coming of the Son of Mankind or the New Humanity in Christian apocalyptic from earliest times. It refers to a full moon that is so well aligned as to create a lunar eclipse, followed by a new moon so perfectly aligned as to create a solar eclipse. Such a planetary alignment would, in esoteric terms, provide an opportunity for the most powerful full-moon meditation possible, as well as the most destructive abuse of such transcendent potency. If it were to occur at the esoterically most potent Wesak moon, it would be a tremendous sign for those who understood--not unlike the sign of the Magi, who saw the “star” of Christ in the East.

Well, it did occur on the Wesak moon of 1984, and those who knew how to cooperate with Hierarchy worked in conscious and subjective core groups to channel the potency for the evolutionary good of mankind. Although their common invocative appeal and evocative command was directed to the cleansing of psychic and astral planetary influence, to the aligning of national leaders unto peace rather than the vicious war that was breaking out all over, and to the enlightenment and healing of all souls, nevertheless there was another side to the work. This was the work of Shamballa and Divine Will, represented in these words: “The Great One, long hidden in darkness, will hold the iron sword in the bloody wound.”

The Sword of Shamballa now penetrates all human reality to the very hilt. This quatrain is related to X.65 (cf. my p. 6), “Like an iron sword thrust in to the hilt.” The ruin of the Old World is “not of your walls, but of your life­blood and spiritual substance,” as it is said of the Roman Church.

The Sword of Shamballa is wielded by certain initiates, who are even now being anointed and empowered to triumph in a world that has for long ages triumphed over the saints of God. This reality precedes the founding of the New Church.

Celui qu’aura Ia charge de destruire

Temples & sectes changees par fantasie,

Plus aux rochers qu aux vivans viendra noire

Par langue ornee d’oreilles ressaisies.



He that will have the charge of destroying

Temples and sects changed by means of fantasy,

He will do more harm to the stones than to the living,

By a clever tongue filling up the ears.

Two kinds of adversaries will destroy the Old Church. One, under the power of Satan by permission of Heaven, is the fundamentalist “braggart,” whose success with mass movements will be sectarian and transitory. The other--a divine mission under the guidance of Heaven--will have a far greater and more spiritual effect. The “stones” or institutions of the Church will be attacked, rather than the souls of the people. Where the fundamentalist attack depends upon “eating the flesh” of the Old Church (Rev. 17.16) and “winning the souls” of the faithful (leading to ultimate great spiritual harm), the dismantling of the Old Church overseen by Heaven is not an attempt to make converts. Rather, it involves a battle of theological ideas.

Le fort Nicene ne sera combatu,

Vaincu sera par rutilant metal,

Son faict sera on long temps debatu,

Au citadins estrange espouvantal.



The Nicene fortress will not be combatted,

But it will be overcome by red metal;

The deed will be debated for a long time,

And will seem a strange and fearful thing to the inhabitants of the


The masters of the New Church will not directly attack basic Christian Nicene theology, but through a process of synthesis over many generations as the New Church reaches out and evolves, the ancient Nicene theology will pass away. The Christian masses will experience doubt and uncertainty as they penetrate the unfolding mysteries and revelations, and there will be much debate and mental development along the way.

The “red metal” is copper, which was used by alchemists for its bonding and synthesizing properties. Copper was associated with Venus (in the positive sense) because it could be used to “marry” metals of radically different proper­ties. The “red metal” is what is called synthesis, synergy, a loving cooperation and willingness to look at similarities rather than concentrate upon differences. Synthesis is the power of spiritual evolution, inclusiveness, loving acceptance of differences in thought and culture.

The New Church will not be a dogmatic institution. It will be able to hold seemingly mutually exclusive viewpoints on many theological issues, knowing that all brothers and sister converge beyond words and mental ideas in Spirit. Partisanship, separatism, and schism will be the only values that cannot be tolerated in the New Church, and many streams of apostolic teaching will flow upon its hills and valleys.

De l’aquatique triplicite naistra,

Un qui fera Feudy pour sa feste;

Son bruit, loz, regne & puissance croistra,

Par Terre & Mer, aux Orients tempeste.



From the aquatic triplicity he will be born,

One who will make Thursday his Holy Day;

His fame, praise, rule, and power will grow,

On land and sea a tempest to the East.

The great prophet of the New Church stands in the power and Spirit of St. John the Baptist. He will make the New Church into a political reality. Its Holy Day will be on Thursday in liturgical harmony with the historical Last Supper, for the Universal Eucharist of Love and Discipleship will be the main

uniting celebration of the New Church.


I am pledged to reveal no more, except that his power will be felt early in the twenty-first century


La terre & l’air geleront se grand eau,

Lors qu’on viendra pour Jeudy venerer;

Ce qui sera jamais ne feut si beau,

Des quatre parts le viendront honorer.



The land and air will freeze with much water,

When they will come to worship on Thursday;

That which will come to be, never was so beautiful,

And from the four parts, they will come to honor it.

The New Church, with its Thursday holiday, will eventually spread into the four corners of the world, leavening a process that will produce the world rel­igion. When this occurs, the earth will be experiencing another Ice Age. There is much speculation about the prophetic views of a future Ice Age, including the theory of polar shift. Nostradamus foresees a future time of peace and cooperation, perhaps initially forced upon mankind by a planetary climatic crisis.

The quatrains concerning the new religion with its Thursday holiday have been misinterpreted and rather ignorantly mistranslated by those who try to assign them to predictions about Anti-Christ. But in this quatrain the Thursday worship is clearly a positive thing (“That which will come to be, never was so beautiful”) that there can be no mistake either about the mission of the man born in the aquatic triplicity, or the new religion. (Erika Cheetham translates the phrase, “He who will come will never be as fair as the few partners who come to honor him,” a grossly wrong and strained translation; she also comments (incorrectly) that the aquatic triplicity is “Aries, Cancer, and Aquarius,” and that the man prophesied is Anti-Christ!)

The Work of the New Church

Nostradamus foresees specific works that masters of the New Church will complete. They concern the Universal Eucharist, bridge-building for the world religion, psychic and spiritual development of the people, and the Great Work of externalizing the Christ.


And there appeared a great wonder in Heaven--a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.


She is the New Church, anointed with Christhood (the sun) and the moon under her feet (occult understanding) and the twelve apostles externalized at the head to guide her.


And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.


The “Birth Pangs of the Messiah.” It is darkest before the sunrise. The New Church undergoes internal agony rather than persecution from without. She is as yet only a spiritual reality.


The great red dragon appears in Heaven and awaits to devour the Christ when He/She is born, but the Child is caught up unto the Throne of God, to rule evermore. The Woman flees into a wilderness where she is nurtured and pro­tected “one thousand two hundred and threescore days.” Then there is war in Heaven and Michael casts Satan onto earth. Only at this point in revelation is the Woman, the New Church, persecuted on earth, the critical mass of one ­hundred-forty-four thousand saints achieved in Heaven, and the Eternal Gospel sent into the world.


The New Church has existed as the Church Esoteric in a subjective or spiritual mode from the earliest Christian times. It has been discerned by great sensitives like Swedenborg and mystics like Augustine throughout ecclesiastical history. St. John the Divine foresaw its realization upon earth “in a wilderness,” out of the common view “for a time, and times, and half a time,” until she has generated the full number of great souls necessary for externalization.


And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Rev. 12.17


The spiritual history of the New Church is recapitulated by all her seed. First they must experience the initiation of inner torment, the “Birth Pangs” of the Inner Christ. Then they find nurture, bliss, and protection--a Sabbath of shalom to which they may return in retreat from their work in the world.


But always and ever they face persecution in the world, and rarely have they been empowered to triumph externally against the world’s evil, although they are eternally protected.


Encor seront les saincts temples pollus,

Et expillez par Senat Tholosain;

Saturne deux trois siecles revollus,

Dans Avril, May, gens de nouveau levain.



Again will the holy temples be polluted,

And pillaged by the Senate of Toulouse;

Saturn two, three cycles revolving,

In April, May, people of a new leaven.


After one final abomination and persecution, the New Church will be established on earth with the new age. The date is not clear. This follows the ministry of the great prophet born of the watery triplicity (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Saturn represents the God of Israel, Whose evolution was in two cycles from Judaism to gentile Christianity, and Whose greatest festival was in April, that of the Passover-Easter. Here deux is parallel to Avril, and trois parallel to May, for the third evolution of the One God comes not through Islam (part of the second evolution), but through the New Church and the New Scripture with its yet unborn revelators. Its greatest festival will be in May, the Wesak moon (true Passover-Easter moon).


Au revolvu du grand nombre septiesme,

Apparoistra au temps Jeux d’Hecatombe;

Non esloingne du grand age milliesme,

Que les entrez sortiront de leur tombe.


Tant attendu ne reviendra jamais,

Dedans l’Europe, en Asie apparoistra,

Un de Ia ligue islu du grand Hermes,

Et sur tous Roy des Orients coistra.



The year seven of the great number being passed [2001],

It will manifest at the time of the Games of Spirit Sacrifice;

Not far from the great age of the millenium [2000],

That the dead shall come out of their tombs.


The long awaited One will never come,

Within Europe, in Asia will appear,

One issued of the lineage of the great Hermes,

And will grow great over all power in the East.


After the year A.D. 2007 there will be many Fifth Round psychics among man­kind. The Games of Spirit Sacrifice or of the Hecatombs symbolizes holocaustic warfare. Thus at a time of mass death, psychic phenomena will manifest such that many people will see and communicate with those who have died. Such phenomena have been relatively common during great wars in which loved ones died, such as the American Civil War (probably the greatest stimulus to the spiritualist movement of that era) and the world wars. But in this case the phenomena will be so widespread that they will be understood and accepted as real and normal. This will be the initiation of the “people of a new leaven” into psychic reality.


Soon after this the power of the prophet born in the aquatic triplicity will begin to make itself felt in the political world. He will be established in Iran (the East). The lineage from Trismegistus does not imply natural sciences, but occult sciences. He will manifest as a master, and will be perceived by many Islamic disciples as the final Imam. This he will be, but not as people have understood it. He will renounce the title and teach that each soul must manifest as the final Imam.


Dieu, le ciel tout le Divin Verbe a l’unde,

Porte par rouges sept razes a Bisance;

Contre les oingz trois cens de Trebisconde,

Deux Ioix mettront, & l’horror, puis credence.



God, all Heaven, the Divine Word, on the waves,

Carried by seven shaven redhats to Byzantium;

Against the Anointed Ones three hundred of Trebizond,

Will make two laws, and horror, then trust.


Masters of the New Church will have an historic meeting with the many Islamic and Sufi orders in Turkey to promote religious unity for the sake of world peace. These bishops will be subjected to spiritual and psychic trial, but ultimately will impress the others with their sanctity and achieve their mission. The intercommunion of Islam and the New Church will serve as a model for world religious ecumenism--a model heretofore thought most impossible of all possibil­ities, since Christians and Moslems will have fought nuclear war previous to this synodal meeting. As a result of this meeting, world peace will be largely won.


Les os des pieds & des mains enserrez,

Par bruit maison long ternps inhabitee;

Seront par songes concavant deterrez,

Maison salubre & saris bruit habitee.



The bones of the feet and hands in shackles,

By a poltergeist a house will be deserted for a long time;

Through a dream the buried ones will be disinterred,

Thus the house will become healthy and can be inhabited without

noise of a poltergeist.


Normally a “noisy ghost” is exorcized by finding the unhappy bones and burying them in hallowed ground. In this case, however, the shackled bones must be dug up and taken out of the ground to solve the haunting. That is because reference is to “skeletons in the closet” of the Church.


There are many great Christian saints who have been denied by the Church as heretics, excommunicated, or refused the sacraments. These saints cannot be dismissed. The New Church will dig them up and give them honor.


Some examples are the works and writings of the lesser known apostles, like great Thomas, whose Gospel (though transmitted through gnostic channels and thus editorialized--but no moreso than the canonical gospels were editorialized in their context) is one of the great mystic documents of the early Church. In the early Church were female disciples and even apostles and bishops, whose graves have only recently been discovered. There may be extant lines of apostolic transmission that go back to Mary Magdalene through France, where legend says that she brought the Shroud of Jesus, later to be kept at Turin.


The New Church will bring all these great saints to recognition, thereby hallowing its house and making it habitable.


Le corps sans ame plus n’estre en sacrifice,

Jour de Ia mort mis en nativite;

L’Esprit Divin fera I’ame felice,

Voyant Le Verbe en Son Eternite.



The body without soul will no longer be admitted in sacrifice,

Or the day of death placed on the nativity;

Divine Spirit will make the soul happy,

Envisioning the Word in Its Eternity.


The New Church will reform the Eucharist as a true love-feast and communion with universal life, such that it will be possible to have the Mass without physical bread and wine, but impossible to have it with bread and wine if spiritual meaning is absent.


The New Church will reform the church festivals such that Easter (the day of death) will no longer be a morbid remembrance of torture, but a glorious celebration of resurrection. For physical death will be truly understood as a “nativity” or birthday, and the Nativity of Christ will he celebrated on the Passover moon, the Resurrection on the Wesak moon, and the Festival of Christ and Humanity on the astrological Taurus moon. Astronomically these will be the Aquarian moon (Easter), the Piscean moon (Wesak), and the Arian moon (Christ and Humanity). Through deep instruction in scientific meditation great psychical and spiritual evolution will be encouraged, which will “make the soul happy,” and disciples able to truly understand Divine Wisdom on an interior level. The “guru” will be within, and the object of priestly instruction will be to facilitate and “bridge” the connection to Inner Guidance.


Other prophecies of Nostradamus indicate that a time will come when all races will intermarry, evolve, and through various catastrophes the Fifth Round of the Fifth Root Race will externalize.


Un peu de temps les temples de couleurs,

De blanc & noir les deux entre-meslee;

Rouges & jaunes leur embleront les leurs,

Sang, terre, peste, faim, feu, d’eau affolce.



Within a little while the temples of the colors,

White and black will intermix;

Red and yellow will put away their color,

Blood, earth, pestilence, famine, fire, water will destroy them.


This must be read esoterically with the following quatrain:


Des sept rameaux a trois seront reduits,

Les plus aisnez seront surprins par mort;

Fratricider les deux seront seduits,

Les conjures en dormant seront morts.

VI.1 1


The seven branches will be reduced to three,

The eldest will be surprised by death;

Two will be said to kill their brothers,

And the conspirators will be killed while sleeping.


The seven branches of the Fifth Root Race will eventually no longer exist. Their disappearance makes it possible for the Sixth Root Race to appear.


All this reaches very far into the future, but in the shorter range the following prediction is made:


Le monde proche du dernier periode,

Saturne encor tard sera de retour;

Translat empier devers nation Brodde,

L’oeil arrache a Narbon par autour.



The world approaching its final period,

Saturn will again come late to his return;

The empire will be changed over to the dark-skinned nations,

And Narbonne will have her eye picked out by a hawk.


Toward the end of this great round, the black and brown nations will come into their own as centers of world power, and the French and other European nations will lose their supremacy. We are now entering the final phase of the old “world” or age, and the Third World nations are indeed coming into their own. This indicates a coming period of great ascent for brown and black races in the new order